Saturday, September 10, 2011

Africa Is on the blink of a great revolution that will possibly thrust it's economy out to the stars. Now when I say stars, I mean it in a sense that our continent will change from being dumped on (Economically and Socially) to being adored as it once was during the old times until very recent. The reason Africa has been held up is entirely based on extraction and control of it's resources by foreign powers. Now the tables are beginning to slowly turn and Africa is currently favored in many ways that can help it's economy and social structure. If one has ever lived in Africa, they understand very well that our infrastructural is not considered to be of high value. That's not because our infrastructure is old or decaying, the real truth is that we don't really have much infrastructure. That is the truth, we don't. However, we can build infrastructure that will compete and beat current economic super powers. Why? Their Infrastructure is old and decaying, Most of it needs to be knocked down and rebuilt. This of course doing that will cost money. Money that a lot of them don't have. In Africa we also don't have much money but we got one thing that a lot of other places in the world lack. That's a cohesiveness with our dreams and our neighbors. When we have a harvest we almost invite the whole village. When it's a new born, same thing. Any stages of life, our neighbors always pull together and help. Africa is us and we are Africa. We have been going through hell and that has been a stage  that we need to pull together in order to come out winners. Our lands are still empty, our transportation network is still young. (Highways and Rail Roads.). We need to also improve our technology. I am very proud that Africans take a liking in technology because there are so many things reachable through it. For example mapping. Mapping makes it so easy for humans to have a general idea of a place they have never been to before. This helps in planning on what kind of resources are needed to survive in that certainly area. Other things among that would be, what are the ideal crops to grown in a certain area. The focal points of the economic in a presented area etc. We as Africans need to understand that we ought to be doing this kind of recognition in our country. Send envoys among st ourselves to notice and realize what each area should specialize on. This is better than foreigners suggesting what an area should focus on based on outside interest. My African people in the diaspora, I ask you to come in here and talk to me. If you have any kind of contribution to an idea and way of handling this matters, Let your people know so we can win economically and socially. This way we will never be kicked around in order just to pick coffee in lands we grew food. No we starve we a green tea farm  that ought be a corn field next to us.

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